Another day at sea so decided to have a relaxing day
starting with a sleep in. The weather has improved quite a bit today we have
blue skies, good visibility and gentle seas. Decided to go and listen to a talk on the
fight for the Falklands, it was quite interesting as Kevin who was doing the
talk went all the way back to when the Falklands were discovered, which
explained why both the British and the Argentinians both feel that the islands
are their territories. The Falklands are still listed as disputed territory and
the United Nations each year is still encouraging both the British and the
Argentinians to sort this territory out, the people on the Islands voted and
they wish to be governed by the English the vote was 98% for and 2% against but
still they wait. After this talk we listened to Bryan who was one of the experts
on our trip talk about his years working on Antarctica, he was also very
interesting and showed us some great slides, he has been working down there since
1974. He said when he first went down it would take him 6 weeks to get there,
now it takes 6 hours as he has relocated his family to Christchurch in NZ and
flies down with the US Antarctic team.
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